Do you need ideas about what you can do with the patterns you have created? We are for everyone who wants to make their own environmentally friendly, personal textiles and textile products. If you want to sell your design to others or sell it yourself, we have you covered.

Turn your designs into wonderful fabrics

Get discount codes for fabric orders in larger quantities.

Order at least 12 meters and get a 12% discount with the code TYG12.

Order at least 25 meters and get a 15% discount with the code TYG15.

Order at least 50 meters and get a 20% discount with the code TYG20.

Feel free to contact us regarding larger quantities and quantity discounts for other products:

Tips if you are considering starting to sell your textile products

Order fabric samples. Create test panels or order color charts. Learn about the different production methods, as well as colors and digital printing. Make test objects using Elobina’s products as a starting point. Feel free to experiment with many patterns on a single meter of fabric. Try many colors and options, but you need to find the right printing process and the fabric that suits you best. Your test time will pay off in the long run. If you have a product concept, we can help with pattern creation, sample sewing and other services.

There are several options available to you once you have decided what you want to invest in. Elobina can provide the following services:

Purchase of fabric over 12 meters entitles to a mass discount. The price deduction is adjusted based on quantity. You can use our services to create samples to market your creations, or you can use them as prototypes when ordering larger quantities.

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